Friday, February 9, 2007

She's out

She is out of surgery and all went well! The doctor said he "got all of it"!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy!!!! Just got home & headed straight to my computer to check in. I couldn't get you off my mind all day!!! Love, Leisa

Anonymous said...

Great news for all of you... Give your Mom a kiss for me and tell her we are thinking of her.
Love, Linda (Ciccarelli), Jed & Jake.

Anonymous said...

That's gteat news Bette - I've been thinking about you all day and night - Meghan brought home this web site and it took me a while to get on - I can see how it's easy to keep everyone up to date. You're in my thoughts always. Love, Pam & Meghan

Anonymous said...

That is terrific news!! Please let Bette know that her "Wildcat" family is cheering for her! Love, Coach Laurie

Anonymous said...

That is great news .I am so happy for Bette and her family
love , D.J

Anonymous said...

Awesome,,What a trouper, Word has it; Bette was having a laugh with everyone she came in contact with prior to surgery. ( That's a suprize! ) Hurting moments after surgery we all got to say a quick love ya and good night and yes she had a smile for us.. Brother Al:)

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear everything went well. Thank you for keeping us all up to date, Jessica. Hope Bette's recovery is quick. Lots of love and prayers for her here.
Mary, Vanessa and Vinnie

Mindy said...

So happy to hear the excellent news! Let me know what I can do to help...You and your family are in our thoughts & prayer.

Mindy & Chels

Anonymous said...

We've been thinking and praying for you,Bette. We're so happy to hear that the surgery went well. Love to you and your family,
Pete & Lisa Coppola