Saturday, February 3, 2007

Surgery date

My surgery is scheduled for this Friday February 9th at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Should be around 12:30. Dr Peter Black is my surgeon. I have complete confidence in him. Wish me luck.
A family member will be updating this post after my surgery.


Marty B said...

Hi Bette,
I wish you well in your upcoming surgery. Dr Black did my first craniectomy [or is it craniotomy] back in May '05. I'd like to reinforce that you are at the best hospital with the best equipment and the BEST doctor!
I'll keep you in thought and prayer.
Marty (Martha) Bergeron

Anonymous said...

I'm told in this thing to "expect the worst and hope for the best"...don't know how that gets me through because for some strange reason - with those words being said, I don't expect the worst...Diagnosed '01 (s/a started in '97). Still here in '07...Keep the Faith. Strength and love will carry you through. Sounds like you have lots of that around you! Angie and family from Oregon!

Jeanie said...

Hello Bette! I wanted to wish you luck with your surgery. I've survived 3 to my head in 7 months :).

ps- these blogs are great, aren't they? :)

Ruthie said...

Hi Bette,
WE wish you the best of luck and WE love you.
I hear that you are in the best of hands at a wonderful hospital.
Please let us know if you need anything leading up to the surgery (or after).

Love Always,
Ruthie & JJ

Mindy said...

Hey Bette

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your family now or while you are recuperating. I like the site! See you soon. Mindy