Sunday, February 11, 2007

She is doing great

I just spoke with my mother and she feels much better. The nausea is gone and the pain is manageable. She is doing great and should be going home on Monday. The surgery went very well and she can give more details to you when she comes home.



Anonymous said...

Again this is good news. I saw Hayley yesterday and she seemed to be doing well. Arrow prayers are being sent in your direction. Love, Coach Laurie

Anonymous said...

There are no words to describe my joy!!! I have never slept better. Good news is an awesome thing we don't get enough of!! Congratulations to you and your family. Bette, I have always loved your positive attitude and I have used you as an example on many occasions. We can all take a lesson in acceptance, strength, courage, grace, humor, humility, perseverance and love of family and friends from you. You are the best!!!


Leisa, Steve & Marley

Anonymous said...

Bette-Prayers have been answered and we are so happy and grateful for the news! I can't wait to give you a BIG hug. Your kind heart, grace, and positive attitude are a lesson for all of us. I am honored to be your friend. All of our love, Deb, Brian, and Molly

Anonymous said...


I am so excited and relieved for you, to hear the amazing...miracle-like news!! This is so wonderful, a new lease on life!

Your positive attitude has been amazing. I am sure that it helped you get to this point. I give you so much credit, Bette.

Love to you, Chris, Al and Jessica. Bette is lucky to have you guys...

Looking forward to the celebration dinner :)
Karen Fishman

Anonymous said...

We missed you at Mary Elizabeth's Christening yesterday but you were in our prayers. We are so pleased that all went well. Rest up and take care.
Love, Betty, Billy and Mary

Jacki said...

Glad to hear the GOOD news, I'm so happy for you and the whole family! You are such an unbelievably strong woman with so much courage and strength, you're just amazing. you deserve only the best. Love you!
Love always, Jacki, Dennis & The Girls

Anonymous said...

We're so glad to hear that your surgery was successful! We are thinking of you and Chris and the kids. Love, Peter & Susan