Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm Home now and I'm amazed at my success

I feel very good, kept most of my hair and fell head over heels in love with my surgeon, Dr Peter Black.... Although all the pathology has not come back, It seems to have been more of a success than was ever expected. It seems that the tumor was kind of capsulized. So it stayed together, and was easier to take out. He said my first MRI looked good but there was still some swelling, I will see Dr Black in about a month and half with a new MRI. My future looks great and maybe even a little more normal, If thats at all possible. I also have less deficits than before. no finger toe or face numbness!!!
Thanks for your kind thoughts, prayers and notes.


Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from you. I continue to be amazed and grateful. I can't wait to see you. I can't imagine how happy your family must be.



Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and was able to get updates from Chris on Sat and Sun. Hope the road to recovery is smooth. Glad you could go home where most are more comfortable.
Lots of Love,

Anonymous said...

Bette - I'm so glad that you're doing great! Get some rest - let me know if I can do anything for you - I'm always out and about - if you need anything at the store or if the kids need to be here or there - just let me know. You're in my thoughts always. Love Pam

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hello and I'm happy to hear your ok. I hope you have much happiness and good health for many years to come. I hope your able to get plenty of R&R and on your way to a complete recovery. My thoughts are with you and hope to see you soon.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

What happy news! You are being held closely in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Attitude, Attitude, Attitude,, I have to say if I were in the position as Betty, Betty w/ a 'Y not an 'E.. You just cant change letters in your name with out a family I' would be blessed to have the courage, the positive attitude, and the grace that my sister exuded the last year and through this last surgery. As some close friends pulling for Betty said; Any of my problems that I thought I had, were not a problem at all!. We can all learn from Betty and her frinds',, That with a great attitude, faith, friends and prayer we can endure and accomplish anything. A great man said, With faith you can move mountains,, But bring a shovel. I feel with heart that what made Betty's tough road managable to date, was all her friends picking up a shovel with out a blink of the eye. Especially all the girls in her life. ( You know who you are & and so dose she ) God works through people, people like you. What a feeling to know when things look dark and the road looks long, and your feeling; I can't, Your friends say, We can.! > Betty is blessed to have you all. Betty's friends are the real deal. Welcome home. Bro, Al:)