Saturday, September 15, 2007

started 5th round

So far so good. Started my 5th round of chemo, my last MRI was stable. Feeling a bit more tired and I lost 20 pounds, my short term memory doesn't last all day. Now what was I saying?? The kids are all back in school and are all doing well, Looking forward to our cruise in a few weeks. Bette

Friday, June 22, 2007

Well after my first round of chemo my cancer has shrunk a bit . I am now on my 2nd month, with little or no side effects except for fatigue. Wish me luck........ Bette

Sunday, May 20, 2007

sorry so long

I guess I would have posted sooner if I had new info.Well I was on the clinical trial for 2 months, and it did not work. My tumor has started to grow again. I started on a different chemo on Friday 5/18. It is a more conventional chemo, Infusion of Avastin every 2 weeks, and oral temodar daily for 3 weeks on 1 week off. I will have my next MRI in 4 weeks. So far I'm feeling quite well. I appreciate all of your concerns and well wishes.
Hopefully this treatment will work, If not I am still a candidate for surgery again. Think positive thoughts like I do, Summer is coming and the kid's weeks are packed with camps etc. We also booked a cruise for October. Oh and SSDI finally considers me disabled, they say That I was disabled since the very start. I appreciate all the wonderful people that have helped us get by until now. We would not still have a house without your generosity.......... Thank you, Bette

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Chemo & SSDI approval

Well it has been 2 weeks since I started my chemo trial and all is going well. I take it orally every day. very few side effects. I do have to go in once a week, and on week 4 - I'll be in 3 times in one week, one day for 10 hours of test. I feel it is all worth it, I have great confidence that this will work.
Today I received conformation that after 19 months of dueling with SSDI they feel that I have been disabled since day 1. What a long arduous process. Thank god it's over. Bette

Friday, February 23, 2007

Feb 23rd 07

Met with my Dr yesterday. I am going to go on chemo. There are many variables as to which ones. we are waiting for some tests, should take about 2 weeks. It will probably be a clinical trial in it's 2nd phase.The pathology came back on the tumor as a Glioblastoma grade IV. The Small amount of cells that were left behind are the targets. Hard to believe they could grow a t an alarming rate if not treated. I'm feeling great and I'm ready for the good fight.. Bette

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The road ahead

Into each avenue there always seems to be some pothole's. And even more if you live in Marlboro. Well the pathology came back on the tumor and it has changed type and to a grade 4. The good thing is we got alot of it out last weekend. I have an appointment with my NO this Thursday. and we will go over my options. There is an oral chemo that they have had great success with, and it seems to have fewer side effects. I will update next Thursday after my appointment. I'm also feeling well enough for some calls. My Mother in-law Cecilia is back in the hospital again, complications with her Alzheimer's. Keep good thoughts, Bette

Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm Home now and I'm amazed at my success

I feel very good, kept most of my hair and fell head over heels in love with my surgeon, Dr Peter Black.... Although all the pathology has not come back, It seems to have been more of a success than was ever expected. It seems that the tumor was kind of capsulized. So it stayed together, and was easier to take out. He said my first MRI looked good but there was still some swelling, I will see Dr Black in about a month and half with a new MRI. My future looks great and maybe even a little more normal, If thats at all possible. I also have less deficits than before. no finger toe or face numbness!!!
Thanks for your kind thoughts, prayers and notes.