Thursday, February 15, 2007

The road ahead

Into each avenue there always seems to be some pothole's. And even more if you live in Marlboro. Well the pathology came back on the tumor and it has changed type and to a grade 4. The good thing is we got alot of it out last weekend. I have an appointment with my NO this Thursday. and we will go over my options. There is an oral chemo that they have had great success with, and it seems to have fewer side effects. I will update next Thursday after my appointment. I'm also feeling well enough for some calls. My Mother in-law Cecilia is back in the hospital again, complications with her Alzheimer's. Keep good thoughts, Bette


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and sending lots of love and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bette- You've been in our thoughts and we are definately keeping good thoughts! Brian's course was littered with obstacles,too. His pathology came back with unexpected suprises and a course of treatment was uncharted. Well, as you know he has had a great outcome to date! Keep good thoughts going!!! I have a little valentine for you so maybe Molly and I can stop by sometime next week? We also would like to bring a meal. What's a family fav? Deb