Friday, February 23, 2007

Feb 23rd 07

Met with my Dr yesterday. I am going to go on chemo. There are many variables as to which ones. we are waiting for some tests, should take about 2 weeks. It will probably be a clinical trial in it's 2nd phase.The pathology came back on the tumor as a Glioblastoma grade IV. The Small amount of cells that were left behind are the targets. Hard to believe they could grow a t an alarming rate if not treated. I'm feeling great and I'm ready for the good fight.. Bette


Anonymous said...

I'll be in your corner.



Anonymous said...

Did a bit of web surfing and looks like there are some new and promising treatments now for the glio. I'm sure you've got the best options available. Expecting only the BEST outcome!!!! Deb

Anonymous said...

I will quote Lisa,,& Deb, I, We,' are in your corner.. Expecting only the Best outcome!! You are in out thought's and prayer's... Al, Rob, and Justin...

Anonymous said...

Go get em Bette!! I am pulling for you. I know you are a fighter!!
Laurie C.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I have always thought of you as a very strong person and I know you will beat this. Love,

Kerrie &family